The EEAW Country Analysis aims at:
1. Multi- and Interdisciplinarity
In addition to researchers of science-oriented subjects, researchers of cultural and social studies, as well as of jurisprudence shall be reinforced to write accounts for the EEAW Country Analysis.
Especially in disciplines like political studies or law, many countries lack perpetual research relevant to the themes surrounding animal welfare.
2. Comparability of Countries
It is intended to improve the comparability of the selected countries through common topics of interest, which can be subdivided into further categories, if necessary.
2.1. Fundamental topics of the EEAW Country Analysis would be:
Animal Welfare Law, General
Animal Welfare Politics, General
Animal Welfare Science, General
Companion Animals, General
Companion Animals, Law
Companion Animals, Politics
Entertainment and Animals, General
Entertainment and Animals, Law
Entertainment and Animals, Politics
Farmed Animals, General
Farmed Animals, Law
Farmed Animals, Politics
Laboratory Animals, General
Laboratory Animals, Law
Laboratory Animals, Politics
Wild Animals, General
Wild Animals, Law
Wild Animals, Politics
Zoos, General
Zoos, Law
Zoos, Politics
Selected Countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Britain, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, The Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom = Britain, USA
Usefull information about european countries offer and
Institut für Ethik und Wissenschaft -
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A-1010 Wien