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Here you find a selection of relevant books - sorted chronologically - with a direct link to the book at amazon.com and / or at the publisher.
Please check also our journal list for book reviews!


Appleby, Michael C. /  Hughes, Barry O. /  Mench, Joy A. / Olsson, Anna I. (eds.) 2011. Animal Welfare. 2nd edition. Wallingford, Oxon, CABI Publishing. - amazon.com

Balcombe, Jonathan 2010. Second Nature: The Inner Lives of Animals.  Foreword by J. M. Coetzee. Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan. - amazon.com

Eadie, Edward N. 2011. Education for Animal Welfare. Berlin, Springer. - amazon.com

Favre, David S. 2011. Animal Law. Welfare Interests & Rights. Teaching Textbook for Animals in the Legal System. 2nd Edition. New York, Aspen Publishers / Wolters Kluwer. - amazon.com

Fisanick, Christina (ed.) 2011. Animal Welfare (Global Viewpoints). Farmington Hills, MI, Greenhaven Press. - amazon.com

Gruen, Lori 2011. Ethics and Animals: An Introduction (Cambridge Applied Ethics). Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. - amazon.com

Knight, Andrew 2011. The Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiments. Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan. - amazon.com

Molloy, Claire 2011. Popular Media and Animals. Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan. - amazon.com

Pacelle, Wayne 2011. The Bond. Our Kinship with Animals, Our Call to Defend Them. New York, HarperCollins. - amazon.com

Pick, Anat 2011. Creaturely Poetics. Animality and Vulnerability in Literature and Film. New York, Columbia University Press. - amazon.com

Ryan, Thomas 2011. Animals and Social Work. A Moral Introduction. Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan. - amazon.com

Sanbonmatsu, John (ed.) 2011. Critical Theory and Animal Liberation. Lanham, MD, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. - amazon.com

Schaffner, Joan E. 2011. An Introduction to Animals and the Law (The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics). New York, Palgrave Macmillan. - amazon.com

Singer, Peter 2011. Expanding Circle: Ethics, Evolution, and Moral Progress. With a new afterword by the author (Original 1981). Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press. - amazon.com

Singer, Peter 2011. Practical Ethics. Third Edition. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. - amazon.com

Waldau, Paul 2011. Animal Rights. What Everyone Needs to Know. New York, Oxford University Press. - amazon.com

Wagman, Bruce A. / Liebman, Matthew 2011. A Worldview of Animal Law. Durham, MD, Carolina Academic Press. - amazon.com

Webster, John (ed.) 2011. Management and Welfare of Farm Animals. The UFAW Farm Handbook. 5th edition. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell. - amazon.com


Acampora, Ralph R. 2010. Metamorphoses of the Zoo. Animal Encounter after Noah. Lanham, MD, Lexington Books. - amazon.com

Bekoff, Marc (ed.) ²2010. Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. 2 Volume Set. Santa Barbara, CA, Greenwood Press. - amazon.com

Bekoff, Marc 2010. The Animal Manifesto: Six Reasons for Expanding Our Compassion Footprint. Novato, New World Library. - amazon.com

Bekoff, Marc / Pierce, Jessica 2010. Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals. Chicago, IL, University Of Chicago Press. - amazon.com

Breed, Michael D. / Moore, Janice (eds.) 2010. Encyclopedia of Animal Behaviour: Volumes 1-3. London, Elsevier. - amazon.com

Carlton, Dennis G. (ed.) 2010. Animal Protection: Treatment and Welfare Issues (Animal Science, Issues and Professions). Hauppauge, N.Y., Nova Science. - amazon.com

Cochrane, Alasdair 2010. An Introduction to Animals and Political Theory. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. - amazon.com

DeMello, Margo (ed.) 2010. Teaching the Animal. Human-Animal Studies Across the Disciplines. New York, Lantern Books. - amazon.com

Francione, Gary L. / Garner, Robert 2010. The Animal Rights Debate. Abolition or Regulation? New York, Columbia University Press. - amazon.com

Frasch, Pamela D. /  Hessler, Katherine M.  /  Kutil, Sarah M. / Waisman, Sonia 2010. Animal Law in a Nutshell. St. Paul, MN, Thomson/West.- amazon.com

Grandin, Temple (ed.) 2010. Improving Animal Welfare. Wallingford, Oxon, CABI Publishing. - amazon.com

Imhoff, Daniel (ed.) 2010. The CAFO Reader. The Tragedy of Industrial Animal Factories. Berkeley, CA, University of California Press. - amazon.com

Kirby, David 2010. Animal Factory: The Looming Threat of Industrial Pig, Dairy, and Poultry Farms to Humans and the Environment. New York, St Martins Press. - amazon.com

Mills, Daniel S. / et al. (eds.) 2010. The Encyclopedia of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare. Wallingford, Oxon, CABI Publishing. - amazon.de.

Milligan, Tony 2010. Beyond Animal Rights. Food, Pets and Ethics (Think Now). London, Continuum. - amazon.com

Mills, Daniel S. (ed.) 2010. The Encyclopedia of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare. Wallingford, Oxon, CABI Publishing. - amazon.com

Palmer, Clare 2010. Animal Ethics in Context. New York, Columbia University Press. - amazon.com

Phillips, Clive J. C. 2010. The Welfare of Animals. The Silent Majority. Berlin, Springer. - amazon.com

Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret A. (ed.) 2010. Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism. Santa Barbara, CA, Greenwood Press. - amazon.com

Wagman, Bruce A. /  Waisman, Sonia S. / Frasch, Pamela D. 2010. Animal Law. Cases And Materials. Fourth Edition. Durham, MD, Carolina Academic Press. - amazon.com

Vint, Sherryl 2010. Animal Alterity. Science Fiction and the Question of the Animal. Liverpool, Liverpool University Press. - amazon.com


Arluke, Arnold / Sanders, Clinton R. (eds.) 2009. Between the Species. A Reader in Human-Animal Relationships. Boston, MA, Allyn & Bacon. - amazon.com

Eadie, Edward N. 2009. Animal Suffering and the Law. West Lakes, Australia, Seaview Press. - amazon.com

Mellor, David J. / Patterson-Kane, Emily / Stafford, Kevin J. 2009. The Sciences of Animal Welfare. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell. - amazon.com

Morrison, Adrian R. 2009. An Odyssey with Animals: A Veterinarian's Reflections on the Animal Rights & Welfare Debate. Oxford, Oxford University Press. - amazon.com

Sankoff, Peter / White, Steven (eds.) 2009. Animal Law in Australasia: A New Dialogue. Sydney, Federation Press. - amazon.com

Schaffner, Joan E. / Fershtman, Julie (eds.) 2009. Litigating Animal Law Disputes: A Complete Guide for Lawyers. Chicago, IL, American Bar Association. - amazon.com


Armstrong, Susan / Botzler, Richard G. (eds.) ²2008. The Animal Ethics Reader. 2nd Edition. London, New York, Routledge. - amazon.com

Bryant, Taimie L. / Huss, Rebecca J. / Cassuto, David N. (eds.) 2008. Animal Law and the Courts. A Reader. St. Paul, MN, Thomson/West. - amazon.com

Castricano, Jodey (ed.) 2008. Animal Subjects. An Ethical Reader in a Posthuman World (Cultural Studies). Waterloo, ON, Wilfrid Laurier University Press. - amazon.com

Flynn, Clifton P. (ed.) 2008. Social Creatures. A Human and Animal Studies Reader. New York, NY, Lantern Books. - amazon.com

Fraser, David 2008. Understanding Animal Welfare. The Science in its Cultural Context (UFAW Animal Welfare). Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell. - amazon.com

Haynes, Richard P. 2008. Animal Welfare: Competing Conceptions and Their Ethical Implications. Berlin, Springer. - amazon.com

Palmer, Clare (ed.) 2008. Animal Rights. Series: The International Library of Essays on Rights. Aldershot, GB, Ashgate Publishing. - amazon.com

Sandoe, Peter / Christiansen, Stine B. 2008. Ethics of animal use. Foreword by Bernard E. Rollin. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell. - amazon.com


Broom, Donald M. / Fraser, David 2007. Domestic Animal Behaviour and Welfare. 4th Edition. Wallingford, Oxon, CABI Publishing. - amazon.com

Donovan, Josephine / Adams, Carol J. (eds.) 2007. Feminist Care Tradition in Animal Ethics: A Reader. New York, Columbia University Press. - amazon.com

Kalof, Linda / Fitzgerald, Amy J. (eds.) 2007. The Animals Reader: The Essential Classic and Contemporary Writings. Oxford, Berg. - amazon.com   

Luke, Brian 2007. Brutal: Manhood and the Exploitation of Animals. Urbana, IL, University of Illinois Press. - amazon.com  

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